Use case

TopUse case More than 1,000 hazardous locations were pointed out on National roadways utilizing AW3D

【Disaster prevention】Vietnam |AW3D Standard

More than 1,000 hazardous locations were pointed out on National roadways utilizing AW3D

International Consortium on Landslides (ICL)
Executive Director, Dr. SASSA, Kyoji
Graduate School, Tohoku-Gakuin Univ. Division of Human Informatics
Professor MIYAGI, Toyohiko

Necessity of landslide disasters prevention on the road network of the mountainous area in Vietnam. Difficulty of aerial photo shooting for the whole study area due to cost limitation. Thanks to its global coverage, AW3D is applied for the study.
Study of landslide topography for National roadways utilizing AW3D. More than 1,000 hazardous locations were pointed out on National roadways in center of Vietnam.

Cooperation/Reference/Data source
Graduate School, Tohoku-Gakuin Univ. Division of Human Informatics
Professor MIYAGI, Toyohiko

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