
TopProducts Nationwide US/UK/Japan 3D Base map

Nationwide US/UK/Japan 3D Base map

Off-the-shelf data solution

All data of the Nationwide 3D Base Maps have been processed, verified, void-infilled, and error-corrected to support unmatched short lead time. They are provided in industrial-standard formats so that you can directly adapt them to virtually any professional solution.

3D vectors (building/vegetation/bridge)

3D vectors (building/vegetation/bridge)

Land use / land cover (DLU)

Land use / land cover (DLU)

3D vectors (building)

3D vectors (building)

  • Seamless, uniform, and consistent

    Nationwide 3D Base Map has been proven practical and cost-effective through many successful projects thanks to its homogeneity. Our best-in-class manufacturing process chain ensures that you will enjoy reliable high-quality data of a given target area without unwanted gaps and seams.

  • Wide range of data types

    From Nationwide 3D Base Map data set, you can leverage diverse data types that are not available from existing nationwide open/free data, such as SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) 30m DSM, 1/3rd arc-second DEMs (3DEP / NED 10) by USGS, or 5m / 10m DEM(DTM) by GSI: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.

Included Data Layers *1:
- Digital Elevation Models (DEM: DSM/DTM)
- 3D Vectors (building/vegetation/bridge)
- Land use / land cover – DLU (Clutter)
- Clutter height (DHM: Digital Height Model)

Target users:
- Mobile network operators and network equipment vendors
- Federal/Central Government
- Local Government (law enforcement, first responders)
- Utility companies (water/gas/electricity)
- Railroad operators
- Smart city planners

- RF simulation and wireless network design & planning
- Long distance wireless communication design
- Large scale disaster mitigation and management
- Smart city planning, including wide area green space optimization
- Environmental Simulations
- Flight simulator
- Line-of-site analysis

*1: varies depends on the area and other factors

United States

  High resolution: more than 60 cities, Middle resolution: CONUS (contiguous United States)

High resolution 3D map for urban areas

Product layer 3D Vector, DHM / DLU / DTM (1m)
Coverage More than 60 cities in US
3D vector layers Building / vegetation / bridge
DLU classes 25 classes
Horizontal accuracy 2m RMSE
Vertical accuracy 1m - 2m RMSE
Vintage 2019 - 2020

Middle resolution 3D map for all over CONUS (Contiguous United States)

Product layer DHM / DLU / DTM (10m)
Coverage CONUS: Contiguous United States
DLU classes 25 classes
Horizontal accuracy 10m RMSE
Vertical accuracy Approximately 10m RMSE (consistent with DLU)
Vintage Mainly 2020

United Kingdom

  High resolution : about 300 cities/towns that have more than 30,000 population
  Middle resolution : The whole of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland

High resolution 3D map for urban areas

Product layer 3D Vector, DHM / DLU / DTM (2m)
Coverage Greater London and other 300 cities/towns in UK.
3D vector layers Building / vegetation / bridge
DLU classes 25 classes
Horizontal accuracy 2m RMSE
Vertical accuracy 1m - 2m RMSE
Vintage Greater London: 2021 - 2022, Others: Mainly 2018 - 2022

Middle resolution 3D map for whole of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Product layer DHM / DLU / DTM (10m)
Coverage The whole of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland
DLU classes 26 classes
Horizontal accuracy 10m RMSE
Vertical accuracy 10m RMSE
Vintage Mainly 2018


  1:2,500 map scale nationwide DSM (0.5m), DTM (5m), 3D building, Ortho (30cm), and value added package product for telecom.

AW3D Enhanced DSM (0.5m), DTM (5m)

Product layer AW3D Enhanced DSM (0.5m), DTM (5m)
Coverage Entire Japan
Horizontal accuracy 1.75m RMSE
Vertical accuracy 1m RMSE
Vintage Bi-annual update (plan)

AW3D Building

Product layer 3D Vector
Coverage 90% population coverage (approx. 100,000km2)
Horizontal accuracy 1.75m RMSE
Vertical accuracy 2m RMSE
Vintage Bi-annual update (plan)

AW3D Ortho (30cm)

Product layer AW3D Ortho (30cm)
Coverage Entire Japan
Horizontal accuracy 1.75m RMSE
Vertical accuracy (N/A)
Vintage Bi-annual update (plan)

Valued added package product for telecom

3D vector (building / vegetation / bridge) DHM/DLU/DTM (5m) DLU/DTM (20m)
Coverage Capital cities Capital cities Other area
Horizontal accuracy 5m RMSE 5m RMSE 20m RMSE
Vertical accuracy 1-2m RMSE 5m RMSE 10m RMSE
Vintage 2020 2020 2019 - 2020


Product Type Vector data, Raster data
Satellite JAXA - ALOS, Maxar Technologies - WorldView, and other satellites